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Food Freedom Collection by Sloane Elizabeth


Introducing the Food Freedom Special Edition Collection by Sloane Elizabeth. Sloane is a Food Freedom & Intuitive Eating Coach who is on a mission to help others Eat with Love and Intuition so they can stop dieting, obsessing and feeling guilty around food.

We’ve partnered with this powerhouse to bring you a very special collection featuring gemstones hand-picked by Sloane herself to inspire intuitive eating, help you set healthy intentions daily, and manifest your dream life!

Each bracelet in this collection is a Rock Your Worth Petite & Powerful 4mm gemstone bracelet, paired with a special edition gold-plated charm selected by Sloane Elizabeth. Also includes the signature Rock Your Worth charm, instructions for setting your own intentions, and a Rock Your Worth jewelry pouch for safe-keeping and travel.

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Green Moss Agate for Healing & Abundance

Green Moss Agate balances emotions and encourages an abundant mindset. A powerful stone for letting go of negative emotions, Green Moss Agate allows you to release the thoughts that are holding you back.

“When moving through restrictive and fear-based thoughts about food and your body, it’s important to release scarcity and call in abundance. That is one of the powers of Green Moss Agate (plus it helps with healing and overall health)!” — Sloane Elizabeth

Rose Quartz for Self-Love

Rose Quartz is known for its uplifting properties, bringing more joy and love to those who use wear crystal. Rose Quartz encourages you to practice self-love, as it increases positive thoughts and reduces negative thinking patterns that interfere with your well-being. Wear Rose Quartz to bring more love, joy and happiness into your life.

“Rose Quartz is my all-time favorite crystal! It is a self-love powerhouse that I keep on my keychain, desk and wrist ;) Everyone can use an extra dose of self-love when learning to love and embrace their bodies!” — Sloane Elizabeth

Rhodonite to Release Negative Emotions

Rhodonite is a powerful stone for self-love, compassion, and emotional balance, as it produces generosity, joy, and happiness to anyone who wears it. It helps reduce anxiety and negative thoughts, while increasing self-confidence and overall happiness.

Rhodonite is a very strong stone that helps reduce anxiety and negative thoughts, while increasing self-confidence and overall happiness. This stone is a comforting stone that will “hold you” in times of distress. It will strengthen your heart and show you just how strong you can be, even in frustrating circumstances or stressful environments.

“Many times, the desire to diet stems from something deeper around anxiety, self-worth, and control. Rhodonite is a stone that will hold you through the negative emotions so you can step into your true, soulful confidence!” — Sloane Elizabeth